
The Itsy Bitsy Spider Crawls Up Inside Your House!

The Itsy Bitsy Spider Crawls Up Inside Your House! Spring time is here and Sacramento residents may be spotting some eight-legged invaders all around their homes.  As was the case in 2010, warm weather, aided by late rains, result in an increase of plants, which in...

Black Widows Pose Spring-Cleaning Hazard

Warmer temperatures and lots of rain make for great conditions for spiders. While most spiders found in our Sacramento pest control region are not poisonous, the exception is the black widow. Secretive and protective, the females of the species are large enough to...

Spider Bites Rare, But Can Be A Pain

Spiders, long a favored subject of sci-fi movies and horror novels, seem to provoke an especially strong yuck factor in humans. Although we know on an intellectual level that they have many beneficial purposes in the eco-system, including eating other insect pests,...

Spider Fact & Fiction: What to Look For, What to Do

Our pest control technicians have been getting lots of complaints about spiders lately. A couple of customers have even stopped by our office, bringing dead spiders in Ziploc bags so we could identify the intruders. In both these cases, the culprits were sac spiders....