
Bed Bugs force California Library Closures

The Mitchell Park Library in Palo Alto and the North Branch of the Berkeley Public Library were both closed this past week after bedbugs were discovered in several areas.  Both cities are sending bed bug-sniffing dogs to other area libraries to inspect for more of...
Dealing with Bed Bug Infestations

Dealing with Bed Bug Infestations

Bed bug infestations have become increasingly common in the United States since the 1980s, likely as a result of increased global travel and trade, changes in available pesticides and possibly pesticide resistance. Once associated with crowded, deteriorated housing...

Bugs Without Borders

Recently the National Pest Management Association and the University of Kentucky published Bugs Without Borders, a 2011 study of pest management professionals in the U.S. The results are scary. 99 percent of responding pest management professionals had encountered...

Stop Bed Bugs Before They Start!

Use this checklist next time you travel to ensure you don’t bring bed bugs home with you. •Inspect your suitcases before bringing them into the house, and vacuum all luggage before storing it. •Consider using a handheld garment steamer to steam your luggage;...