
As Summer Ends Ants Get Busy

The Argentine ant is an invasive species introduced to California almost a century ago.  Lacking natural enemies, these ants have taken over large areas of the state, wiping out other native species and becoming one of the most common ants we see today. This...
Late Summer Pest Problems

Late Summer Pest Problems

Firing up the barbecue and enjoying our backyard is what comes to mind when we think of summer.  Unfortunately summer fun time can also be summer pest time.  While you’re enjoying your backyard, bugs and other pests can be lurking about trying to find their way into...
The Office Pest

The Office Pest

Just about any type of pest can fly, crawl, or hitchhike into your office building.  Sanitation and exclusion play a big role in controlling pest activity in an office environment or commercial property. Ants During the summer and fall, when they find it difficult to...

Where Ants Go this Fall

Another season have passed by and Fall is ready to give us a clearer sky, festivals and ants! Like plant life, many pests die off in autumn as winter sets in, but not before many of them lay their eggs in a safe place to incubate until spring time. It’s not the case...
Why Do the Ants Come Marching In?

Why Do the Ants Come Marching In?

Most of us have seen a trail of ants.  They scurry along in a line as if they were marching in a parade, but why do they do this, and how do they know where they’re going?  The answer, scent.  As an ant travels it leaves a trail of pheromones (scent).  Pheromones are...